DAR Studio is highly experienced in the unique field of heritage architecture.

We offer specialised services for the conservation, restoration and reconstruction of historic buildings and structures, and provide an in-depth understanding of traditional building styles, methods of construction and the qualities of materials.

Our team is experienced in undertaking historical research and documenting heritage places. We work closely with archaeologists, engineers or other contractors to meet specific project needs when required.

Conserving heritage buildings through thoughtful design is environmentally sustainable and often more cost-effective than new construction. We believe that older buildings are a foundation for continued action – be it conservation or adaptation.

DAR Studio offers the following heritage consultancy services:

DAR Studio’s comprehensive heritage management planning service involves the preparation of Conservation Management Plans, Conservation Management Strategies and Heritage Management Plans. These documents enable you to properly manage your heritage asset. Equally, you may be anticipating change, or be looking to consolidate your existing knowledge to manage your site now and into the future.

Fremantle Prison World Heritage Site | Conservation Management Strategies Chung Wah Association Hall | Conservation Management Plan

Interpretation refers to all the ways of presenting and communicating the heritage values of a place. This may focus on treatment of fabric, the use, or important associations with the place. Through research and analysis, Dar Studio can prepare an accurate and informative Interpretation Strategy or Plan which will ensure your project captivates your audience and gives a voice to the past to preserve the cultural values for all.

DAR Studio can provide heritage advice to assist with a variety of issues and situations due to the complexities of heritage practice and the legislative framework. Typically, this will involve a physical and contextual analysis through a site visit and inspection, plus desktop research to provide practical support to owners of heritage properties of all types. We have extensive experience in negotiating positive outcomes for all our clients.

DAR Studio is highly experienced in the preparation of heritage impact statements in support of development applications and for those seeking preliminary advice at the start of a project or throughout a project’s duration as design changes occur. Our approach seeks to always strike a considered balance between owner’s requirements and the conservation of the cultural and heritage values of a place. Our services include the resolution of appropriate approaches to maintenance of physical fabric, alterations and additions, adaptation and new development. In all cases, we are guided by best practice guidelines of the Burra Charter and relevant statutory controls.

To determine whether a place, or any of its elements, or context is of cultural significance, DAR Studio can prepare a comprehensive heritage assessment. This is usually a requirement of local government authorities to have an assessment of a place’s significance completed prior to any works being undertaken. It includes preparation of the documentary and physical evidence, a comparative analysis, a set of heritage values and a statement of significance.

Assessments of Cultural Heritage Significance

An Archival Record is a report that documents a heritage place in its current condition, which is often required by the Heritage Council or Local Government as a condition of a development application.  The report involves historical research to provide a brief history of the property, which can often include uncovering original plans or historic photos.  This is paired with a current physical description of the building, with current floor or site plans, and high-quality photographs.

Perth Commonwealth Bank | Archival Record

DAR Studio is able to assist in the application for heritage grants, and to manage projects that have received grant funding.  We have successfully applied for Heritage Council grants for conservation works and for the preparation of conservation management planning documentation.

Heritage Grants | How can we help?
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